What is a Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultant (PPSMC)?

Since 1992, the Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultant (PPSMC) role has been a Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC)-mandated nursing position, throughout Ontario.

The PPSMC mandate is to:

  • assist service providers in the application of assessment tools and best practice tools and guidelines outline in the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association’s (CHPCA) Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care 
  • offer consultation to service providers in-person, by telephone, by video conference or through email regarding care i.e. assessment and management of pain and other symptoms
  • provide case-based education and mentoring for service providers
  • help build capacity among front-line service providers in the delivery of palliative care
  • link service providers with specialized hospice and palliative care resources

All ministry-mandated PPSMCs fall under the services of MOHLTC Functional Centre 725 50 9491.

How do PPSMCs accomplish this mandate?


PPSMCs provide secondary-level hospice palliative care expertise through

consultation, coordination, collaboration, facilitation, education, skill development, research and evaluation,

at local, regional, provincial and national levels.